It’s embarrassing to admit, but several years ago I had to attend a “prayer for judgement” class after getting a speeding ticket. The instructor made everyone in the class list all the important people in their lives. People talked about children, spouses, friends, parents, coworkers. Not surprisingly, no one listed themselves, and the teacher chided us for that oversight. If we aren’t here, he said, then we can’t be the family member, friend or colleague all those people need. This idea really stuck with me—how we all depend on each other, how we’re all so interconnected.
As we reach CFID’s 10th anniversary, I’ve certainly thought of all the people who have supported us over the years—friends and family, clients and colleagues. There’s no way this business would have succeeded without you!
I can’t tell you how much it’s meant to have people trust us to be part of their biggest professional milestones as they’ve opened new restaurants, expanded offices to support growing businesses and renovated hospitality spaces to better serve members and guests. It's been an honor to be the design partner for so many amazing people and companies and to watch them continue to prosper 10 years later. The staying power of CFID’s clients is something in and of itself worth celebrating! It’s honestly a thrill to see our hard work and effort in spaces that people continue to enjoy today.
In addition to work that I’m ridiculously proud of, being an entrepreneur has given me freedom—freedom to be present with family and friends for fun vacations and spontaneous baseball tournaments, freedom to attend school events. And soon freedom to navigate twins applying for college (send prayers!).
So even when the hours have been long and the pace grueling, the rewards and results of running my own business have made it all worth it!
In design, there really isn’t an end point. The goal post continues to move. Processes evolve and clients change. At this point in my career, I appreciate it all, because I have changed, too. Ten years ago, I stepped out and put everything on my shoulders, and in the blink of an eye, I now have 10 years of amazing people and projects around me. Never behind me…but beside me and in front of me, propelling me into the next 10 years. The excitement is in the journey! And with just shy of 30 years in this business (gulp), I still have a lot to learn and a lot to give.