Myers Park United Methodist Church
Center of Hope
Charlotte, NC | 162,200 SF

The Center of Hope is a new five-story Youth, Missions and Activities building to serve Myers Park United Methodist members and the broader community. The out-of-the-ground building includes a full-size gymnasium, main lobby café and gathering space, classrooms, meeting and office spaces and patios for lively gatherings or private conversations. The top floor features a high-tech assembly hall that seats 150, plus pre-function space and an adjacent outdoor lounge. The Youth floor boasts a custom mural designed with the church youth, neon-backed breakout spaces, a two-story stairatorium for gathering, an art room and plenty of spaces for gaming (electronic and analog) and hanging out. The ground floor includes space for out-of-town groups and Room at the Inn, which was already in use the day the building opened! Through a clever mix of timeless materials and “cool” new finishes, the space meshes seamlessly with the church’s existing buildings and provides for almost limitless uses in the future.